Airāvatavarsa a world-region 137 its height
155 def.
141 Candramas the same Aiśāna a heaven
as Candra
152 (references as in Acyuta) 153 Camara a god-chief
149 Kadamba a god-class 155 his life-duration
168 Kāpistha a heaven
153 Carajyotiska the mobile Kāla a god-chief 149 jyotiskas
156 a god-class
155 Cauksa a god-class Kālodadhi a world-ocean 139 Jambūdvīpa a worldKinnara a god-chief 149 continent
137, 138 a god-class
its seven regions 137, 139 ten sub-classes of the
its six varsadhara above god-class 154 mountains
137, 140 Kinnarottama a god-class
154 its diameter
138 Kimpurusa a god-chief 149 the mountain Meru a good-class
154 situated in its middle 139 ten sub-classes of the
Jayanta a heaven above god-class
(references as in Acyuta) 153 Kimpurusottama a god-class 154 Jalakānta a god-chief
149 Kūşmāņda a god-class 155 Jalaprabha a god-chief 149 Gardatoya a god-class
165 Jalarāksasa a god-class 155 Gāndharva a god-class 152 Joşa a god-class its 12 sub-classes
155 Jyotiska a heavenly body, 149 Gītayaśas a god-chief
149 a god-class a god-class
155 five types of them 149, 152 Gitarati a god-chief
149 ever mobile within a god-class 155 manusyaloka
152 Guru a planet, a god-class 156 division of time due to Graiveyaka the common
them designation for nine
ever static outside closely situated heavens
153 (references as in Acyuta) 153 their respective heights 155 Gharmă a hell
130 their respective symbols 156 Ghātana an ugly hell-name Tamaḥprabhā a hell
127 (lit. killing)
131 (references as in Candra moon, a god-class 152 Dhūmaprabhā) a chief in the case of
Tārā a star, a god-class 152 jyotiska-gods
149 their height
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