An Account of pradeśa-bandha or 'Bondage in Respect of Constituent-units' :
The pudgalas which are a cause of the nature-of-karma, are subtle, are situated at the same place, and are made up of anantānanta constituent-units are, as a result of a specific activity, bound down with all the constituent-units of a soul and from all the sides. 25.
Since pradeśa-bandha is a kind of relation and since this relation has got two bases—viz. the karmic physical aggregates on the one hand and the soul on the other-eight questions arise in connection with it and it is they that are answered in the present aphorism. The questions are as follows:
(1) When the karmic physical aggregates are bound down what appears in them—that is, what is built up into them ?
(2) These physical aggregates are received into themselves by what soul-units—by those situated in the upward direction or by those situated in the downward direction or by those situated in the transverse direction ?
(3) Is karmic bondage similar in the case of all the soulsor is it dissimilar ?
(4) Those karmic physical aggregates—are they gross or subtle ?
(5) The karmic physical aggegates that are bound down with the soul-units—are they situated at the same place as these soul-units or at a different place?
(6) At the time of bondage—are those physical aggregates static or mobile ?
(7) Those karmic physical aggregates—are they bound down with all the soul-units or only with some of them ?
(8) Those karmic physical aggregates are made up of how many constituent-units-sankhyāta, asankhyāta, ananta or anantānanta ?
The following is how these eight questions have been respectively answered in the present aphorism.
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