However, the rule of anubhava-bandha according to which fruit is yielded in conformity to the nature of the karma concerned applies only to the basic karma-types, not also to the derivative ones. For when a derivative karma-type belonging to some basic karma-type is, as a result of a mental exertion, converted into another derivative karma-type, then the original anubhava yields fruit in conformity to the nature of the new derivative karma-type. For example, when matijñānāvaraṇa gets converted into a collateral derivative karma-prakṛti śrutajñānāvarana or the like then the original anubhāva appropriate to matijñānā-varana, now functioning in conformity to the nature of śrutajñānā-varana etc., performs the task of concealing the jñānatype śruta, avadhi etc. However, even among the derivative karma-types there are such as do not get converted into one another. For example, darśanamoha does not get converted into căritramoha or vice versa; similarly, nāraka-ayuṣ does not get converted into tiryak-ayuş or any other type of ayus. Like conversion of nature a subsequent mental exertion also brings about a change in the flavour (=intensity) or the duration that obtained at the time of bondage. Thus a strong flavour becomes mild or vice versa; similarly, a maximum duration becomes minimum and vice verca.
The State of Karma Subsequent to the Appearance of Fruit :
After a more or less intense fruit of a karma has been experienced in accordance with the anubhava concerned this karma gets released from the soul-units and no more remains attached to them. This very process is called cessation of karma or nirjară (i.e. cleansing off). Just as the nirjarā of a karma comes about through an experiencing of its fruit, so also does it quite often come about through penance as well. Thus by the force of penance a karma gets released from the soul-units even before it has yielded fruit in accordance with the anubhava concerned. This very thing is indicated in the present aphorism through an employment of the word ca (i.e. 'and'). 22-24.
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