a wrong path.
The features opposite of the just mentioned ones-viz. straightforwardness as to manas, speech and body (i.e. uniformity of acts) and healing a dissension (that is, removing the rift from between the two and thus uniting them), [on alternative interpretation, to lead on to the right path one who is going the wrong way]-are causes-of-bondage for the subhanama-karma 21-22.
The Nature of the Cause-of-bondage Obtaining in the Case of the Tirthankaranama-karma :
(1) Purity of inclination means a blameless and firm inclination towards the verities propounded by a personage devoid of attachment. (2) Respectful attitude towards things highly spiritual means an appropriate feeling of a right regard towards jñāna etc. that constitute the pathway to mokṣa and towards the means thereof. (3) Non-violation of sila and vrata means exhibiting no negligence as to the observation of vratas like nonviolence, truth etc., that constitute basic meritorious qualifications and as to the observation of the other regulations like abhigraha (= self-imposed restriction) etc., that are called sila and are useful for the observation of the just mentioned vratas. (4) Everwakefulness as to the acquisition of knowlege regarding verities. (5) Ever present fear of the worldly joys means always fearingthat is, never being allured by-the worldly joys which are in fact conducive to pain rather than pleasure. (6) Renunciation as per one's capacity means offering gift of food, safety, knowledge etc., discriminately and without concealing an iota of one's capacity. (7) Penance as per one's capacity means practising tolerance of all sorts discriminately and without concealing an iota of one's capacity. (8) Providing means of easement to the fourfold religious order-particularly the order of monks-so as to keep them fit. (9) Offering services to the competent personages-that is, seeking to ably remove whatever difficulties such a personage might happen to face. (10-13). Feeling of devotedness towards a tirthankara, a preceptor, a highly learned personages, a scriptural text-that is, a feeling of devoted affection towards all these. (14)
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