For vrata to be absent is called to be devoid of vrata, for śīla to be absent is called to be devoid of śīla. 19.:
The Nature of the Causes-of-bondage Obtaining in the Case of the Devāyus-karma :
(1) When even after there has been a resort to discipline in the form refrainment from the great defilements like violence, untruthfulness, theft etc., there yet persist certain remnants of kasāyas then we have disciplined-life-yet-accompanied-byattachment. (2) When yratas like non-violence etc., are observed only partially then we have a life of discipline-cum-indiscipline. (3) When either under external pressure or simply for the sake of imitating others one renounces unsalutary acts or food etc., then we have refraining from evil acts out of compulsion. (4) When bodily torture like entry into fire, diving into water, falling from the mountain-top, taking poison, fasting etc., are resorted to in a childish fashion—that is, without a proper understanding of the issues—then we have childish penance. 20.
The Nature of the Causes-of-bondage Obtaining in the Case of the Aśubha and Subha Nāma-karmas :
(1) Crookedness of acts means fraudulence as to manas, speech and body. When one thinks in one way, speaks in another way and acts in a third way—then we have fraudulence. (2) Causing false behaviour means making someone act in a fraudulent manner; (on alternative interpretation, creating dissension means causing misunderstanding between two friends). Both these are cause-of-bondage for the aśubhanāmakarma.
Question : How do the two differ from one another ?
Answer : The difference lies in that the former refers to oneself while the latter refers to someone other than oneself. Thus when there is fradulence as to manas, speech and body in one's own case we have crookedness of acts, when there is a similar fraudulence in the case of someone else we have causing false behaviour. For example, one who is going the right way is pervertly advised 'Go not this way but that' and is thus misled to
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