I bow to you, Shri Sadguru Bhagwant!
Bhagawan Mahaveer, the noble soul, bereft of all passions, on attaining omniscience, has left behind a store of knowledge that enlightens our path to moksa - liberation. Moksu is to be achieved by following the three-fold path of True Faith, True Knowledge and True Conduct.
This three-fold path has to be followed assiduously if one is in search of the Self. The soul, while wandering in the vast precincts of this Universe for endless time now, has undergone a change of its own identity. Tainted as it is, in the uncharacteristic hues of its surroundings, the soul has forgotten its own true self. Neither is it aware of what lies in store for it in future. Many of us who claim the knowledge of the entire physical world, seldom attempt to unfold the mysteries of our own Self. It is such souls, meandering in a deep slumber, that the scriptures seek to awaken and guide to the goal of realising the Self.
The soul often goes astray. That is when it begins seeking delight from the sensual pleasures. In truth, the soul is selfsufficient, content within itself. Yet when it goes astray, it tends to overlook its own qualities and wanders in vain in search of happiness in the material world. It goes to any length in this self-seeking adventure. What a wasted effort in search of looseends! Should one put in so much effort, struggle unrelentingly, only to achieve the shallow depth of material pleasures? Should our ability to think analytically be applied to such simplistic tasks? Should we keep scratching the surface of our existence or delve deep into the mysteries within? These are some of the questions that our great spiritual Preceptors have sought to answer. In doing so, they have laid down some traditions.
After moving incessantly for eight months (other than the four months of the rainy season) the Sadhus and Sadhvis (monks and nuns - Saints) settle down at one place to spend the remaining four months. They utilise the occasion to inspire and draw one
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