I am the Soul a result of which he is endowed with thirty-five types of truthspeech-voice qualities.
Such virtuosity is not to be found in other jivas. Hence, the uncommon power of the speech is available only to Arihant.
Of the four atishayas - extra qualities, the first two being attributed to the destruction of the jnanavarniya karma and mohaniya karma respectively, they indicate the state of his soul. When we have to understand the true form of Jina, it is necessary to understand these two extraordinary qualities. So let us try to understand from within, the detailed description of Arihant Jineshwar that we have compiled, for
समज्या वण उपकार शो? समज्ये जिनस्वरूप How will the feeling of devotion towards Bhagwant arise, if we do not understand the true-form of Jineshwar Bhagwant, if we do not pay respect to the wonders that rest within him, if we do not realise the uniqueness of his virtues? How can there be welfare without it? Hence, only if we understand the trueform of the Arihant Bhagwant in the refuge at the feet of Sadguru, can we manage to uplift ourselves. Otherwise we may spend years together in the company of the Gurudev, yet not absorb his advice at all, and then leave alone the benefit of the Gurudev's benevolence, we may not get anything at all.
Hence, seek refuge with and pray to the Sadguru without a second thought, and direct your intense devotion to attain the true-form of Nija (self) while understanding the true-form of Jina in the Atma.
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