I am the Soul
roc-prame ant vei FE Just waruit....
वादी षड्ज मध्यम संवादी
वात नथी कई विषय विवादी
HICH 414T Pro HEMAT, HET STC 4GUÍt .... One very interesting aspect - Lord Mahavira's voice is resonating in the four corners of our land even after 2,500 years of his speech, and it will continue to do so til!l the end of this ara (3471), that is for 18,500 more years. This extraordinary speciality is possible only in Arihant's speech. Hence, this wonder of vachanatishaya.
4) Pujatishaya (Y51f4979) - Indra, the deva bows before Arihant. Normally, humans pray to devas, but here the deva of such devas - Indra, King of the devas, prays to Lord Arihant. The word *Arihant itself indicates that he is venerable in all the three worlds.
The word “Arihant' derives from the root ‘Arha’ (36), which means that which is venerable'. Amongst us the original word is ‘Arhat', which over the passage of time has been evolved into ‘Arihant. We analyse the word Arihant as - ‘Ari' = enemy and “hant' = vanquish. One who has vanquished the enemy in the form of attachment and aversion is Arihant. But originally the word was ‘arha' and hence venerable.
In our prayers we say that the Lord Arihant is worthy of prayer, salutation, offering and remembrance for the sixty-four Indras. In all the Kalyanaka celebrations of the Arihant, Indra comes with all his devas and they rival each other to pray before the Lord.
So this is the glory of the virtues of Arihant Bhagwant. In the third life prior to this one, when he would have activated the twenty reasons that bound him in the Tirthankar nam karma, he would also have acquired the punyanubandhi punya in bulk, as
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