Advent of Space-Time
functional dependence at all. However Einstein revolutionized the physical world by his introduction of the space time embrace (as I call it). In the words of Minkowski in his lecture “Space and Time” in September 1908, “From now on the independent concept of time and the independent concept of space shall vanish as shadows and only a kind of union of them will preserve independence”.
What can be said of the space-time continuum of Einstein? The answer we can give to the question on the basis of Einstein's theory of Relativity is very different from the answer of these philosophers. The theory of relativity shows that space and time are neither ideal object nor forms of order of necessary for the human mind. They constitute a relational system expressing certain general features of physical objects and thus are descriptions of the physical world. Therefore we note that the space-time continuum of Einstein-Minkowski contains events which are interconnected by co-ordinates.
The relativity theory heralded thee birth of the "spatiotemporal” manifold (lattice). The classical view before Einstein considered the time of an event in a system S' in arbitrary motion in relation to a system S as identical with the time of the same event as judged from the system considered at rest. Clearly this can be expressed by the transformation equation t = t which is required for classical laws of physics. For Newton, time had an absolute and mathematical flow regardless of relation to any object. Einstein stepped out to show to that his hypothesis was not tenable.
As a consequence of the space-time interlink, Einstein could show that local measurements are not universal. They could be used to obtain universal laws by composing them with local measurements of other systems. By examining certain relationships, between local measurements which remain unchanged with reference to all systems moving with
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