Role of Space-Time in Jaina's Syȧdvāda
of Einstein's theory of Relativity is very different from the answers of these philosophers. The theory of relativity shows that space and time a neither ideal objects nor forms of order of necessary for the human mind. They constitute a relational system expressing certain general features of physical objects and thus are descriptions of the physical world.
The space-time continuum of Einstein-Minkowski contains events which are interconnected by co-ordinates, but the connections between them are not necessarily causal. Any two events are represented by points in the space-time continuum. So far, I think that no connections between them are necessarily causal. Then how has the special relativity theory of Einstein modified our views on causality? Any two events are represented by points in the space-time continuum. So far, I think that no total ordering can be mathematically defined on the infinite vector space (R3 x T) (space-time continuum). However it is interesting to note that time alone forms continuum with an order type which is the order type of real numbers.
As we mentioned two events in (R3 x T) are not comparable in this mathematical sense. However a partial ordering on T may enable us to have an ordering of time-like events in (R3 x T) viz. event E, may be said to be earlier than event E, it t<t. But then can E, be said to be a cause of E2? Clearly mere contiguity in time does not establish a causal nexus; we should have causal operators (or relations) that justify the causal action (if any of E, and E2.) The question then arises as what should be the nature of this causal operator? This is discussed in the last chapter.
Classical physics was dominated by the 2 independent concepts of space and time. They did not appear to have a
*Refer to the last chapter VI
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