बीभत्सोऽय कीटकुलागारपिचण्डो विष्टावासा पुकसकुण्डाप्रियगन्धः । लालापात्रं मांसविकारो रसनेयं दृष्टो नांशः कोऽपि च काये रमणीयः ॥४५।।
Meaning :- The stomach which digests the food and which is a very important part of the body is disgustingly foul-smelling if we just care to look at its constitution and form minutely. Worms of so many types are formed in it. Just adjacent to the stomach there are limbs which store urine and faeces the smell of which is as much disconcerting and nauseating as the well of the untouchable pariah. Of what is the tongue constituted which does the work of tasting and speaking? Is it formed of gold or silver or musk or camphor ? No! no. It is nothing but a piece of flesh and it is internally quite ugly. When we cast a look at any of the limbs of the body we find that none of them is pleasing to the sight. (45)
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