चक्षुयुग्मं दूषिकयाक्त श्रुतियुग्मं, कीट्टव्याप्तं सन्ततलालाकुलमास्यम् । नासाजस्रं श्लेष्ममलाढयन्तरदेशा, गात्रे तत्त्वं नोच्चतरं किञ्चन दृष्टम् ॥४४॥
Meaning :- Let us see some useful parts of the body as to how much they are pure. The eyes become full of filth. The ears are always also full of foul matter. There is spit and saliva always to be found in the mouth. The nose is always overflowing with dirty matter. Where then is purity to be found ? Those parts of the body also which are considered pure and useful are themselves abounding in impure matter. In the whole of the body there is found nothing which is really speaking pure. (44)
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