History of Jainism with Special Reference to Mathurā
Old historical traditions prove the independent existence of the sect of the Jainas even during the first five centuries after Buddha's death, and among the inscriptions are some which clear the Jaina tradition not only from the suspicion of fraud but bear powerful testimony to its honesty.41
Jacobi had proved the independence of Jainism from Buddhism on the basis of literary evidence, Buhler provided epigraphical evidence to confirm it.
Points of similarity and difference between Jainism and Buddhism
There are, undoubtedly, some similarities between Jainism and Buddhism. Both are pessimistic and monastic religions. 42 Both consider the world as an abode of sorrow and hold that salvation is the aim of human life. 43 Both deny the authenticity of the Vedas as an infallible authority and question the efficacy of the rites prescribed in them for the purpose of salvation.44 Both ignore the conception of God.45 Both lay emphasis on a rigorous system of discipline based on a code of moral and spiritual behaviour. 46 Both advocate stress on pure and moral life rather than on worship of and devotion to God as the means to salvation.47 Both believe that nirvana can be achieved by one's own efforts. 48
But, these similarities are largely superficial in nature. In fact, Jainism and Buddhism radically differ in religion as well as metaphysics.49 Their
41. OISJ, p. 23. 42. IP, p. 68. 43. AI (M), p. 168; ERE, VII, p. 465. 44. Ibid. 45. Ibid. 46. AOIU, p. 361. 47. AI (M), pp. 168-9. 48. Sital Prasad, Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism, 1982, p. 196. 49. RI, p. 286.
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