Dvyāśrayakāvya much blended ard interwoven with grammar that pleasent and aesthetic expressions are found rarely?.
EPITHETS : Hemacandra is a past master in coining new words which may serve as adjustable epithets in his language. Hemacandra is capable of using any new words as an adjective of a particular object or thought either directly or through the use of a simile. Most of his illustrations are moulded and used epithetically. Sometimes, the epithetical usages, undoubtedly grammatical in character, express the desired sentiment beautifully. Such like illustrative expressions are mostly similized. Hemacandra has a marvellous art in the creation of epithets immediately.
VOCABULARY: Generally speeking, the vocabulary used by Hemacandra is tedious, technical and grammatical. Being an author of a number of dictionaries, Hemacandra had an extraordinary command on the Sanskrit and Prakrit languages. He never faces scarcity of words in the expression of any of his ideas. A few words like Rodasi, oft-used In Sanskrit, althought Vedic in charater have been used by Hemacandra5. A series of the genealogical words is an
1. Dv., X.34; XVI.93; XVII. 108 etc. 2. Dy. IV. 59. Piśācīs have been described as:
नाभिमुखास्तुङ्गनासिका कानासिक्यो लम्बोष्ठ्य उन्नतोष्ठाः ।
fralaut: Sarlatt FTAETT: 9775eutsray: fatiet: 11 3. द्विषहवज्वालदावः पुण्यभावो भवोपमः।।
सर्वेषामुचितं चक्रे राज्ञां नायो गुहेशरुक् ।।
Similarly VI. 25; XII 26, 38 ; XIII.17 etc. 4. Dv. XIII.40
तेजोदुर्दशादुर्धर्षमूचे सोपीति भूपतिम् ।
शृण दुःशास दुर्योध दुर्मषाशेषमावयोः ।। 5. Dv. I. 29; III. 79.
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