An Epitome of Jainism age-karma also on special occasions ; but the predominance of the above causes will de ermine the intensity of fruition (anubhága) of their particular inflow.
The special occasions of age-karma are eight in one man's life, as follows:Supposing a man's life is to be 81 years. The first occasion for binding the age-karma will be on his passing / of it, i.e., when he is 54. The second on his passing of the remainder, i.e., when he is 72. The third on his passing 2/3 of the remainder, i.e., when he is 78. The fourth on his passing 4% of the remainder again, i.e., when he is 80. Similarly the fifth when he is 80 years, 8 months. The sixth at 80 years, 10 months and 20 days. The seventh at 80 years, 11 months, 16 days and 16 hours. The eighth at 80 years, 11 months, 25 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes. If no age-karma is bound yet, the ninth is the last antar-muhůrta of his life. The point is that the man is born with his particular age-karma already bound. Therefore he must bind the age-karma of his next incarnation at the latest at the last moment.
Bondage The causes of Bandha or bondage are :
1. Wrong-Belief Mithyadarśana, wrong-belief, is of five kinds.
1. Ekänta. Taking only one aspect of a many-sided thing, e.g., man is mortal and immortal, regarded from the point of view of body and soul respectively. Taking only one view is Ekanta.
2. Viparita. Perverse belief, e.g., animal sacrifices lead to heaven. Injury to anyone cannot be a cause of merit.
3. Samsaya. Doubt, scepticism, hesitation, e.g., as to path of Liberation.
4. Vinaya. Veneration. Taking all religions and gods, even the so-called religions which enjoin cruel or immoral practices, to be equally worthy of pursuit.
5. Ajñana. Wrong belief caused by ignorance, eg., indiscrimination of good and bad.
Wrong belief is caused by Nisarga, inborn error; or by Adhigama, preaching of another. Nisargaja is also called Agrahita and Adhigamaja is called Grahita.
The last is of four kinds :
(i) Kriyâvâdi. Belief in time, soul, etc. as causing everything in the world. All the substances perform their functions and become causes of different effects. To uphold otherwise is wrong belief.
(ii) Akriyâvâdi. Opposite of the above, e.g., the soul does nothing. This undermines all truth. If the soul does nothing, who is responsible for the doing and fruition of our good and bad actions ?
(iii) Ajñānika. Agnostic. Everything is not knowable. This is one of the
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