Gommatsara, Karma-kand
151 3. Sila vrateșvanatichára. Faultless observance of the five vows, and faultless subdual of the passions.
4. Abhiksna jnanopayoga. Ceaseless pursuit of right knowledge. 5. Samvega. Perpetual apprehension of mundane miseries.
6. Saktitas-tyága Giving to others gift of knowledge, food, medicine etc., according to one's capacity.
7. Saktitas-tapa. The practice of austerities, according to one's capacity.
8. Sadhu-samadhi. Protecting and reassuring to saints or removing their troubles.
9. Vaiyavrittya-karana. Serving the meritorious. 10. Arhat-bhakti. Devotion to Arhats or Omniscient Lords.
11. Âchârya-bhakti. Devotion to Acharyas or Heads of the Orders of Saints,
12. Bahu-śruta-bhakti. Devotion to Upadhyâyas or teaching Saints. 13. Pravachana-bhakti. Devotion to Scriptures. 14. Avašyakâ-parihani. Not neglecting one's six important daily duties. 15. Mârga prabhavanâ. Propagation of the path of Liberation.
16. Pravachanavâtsalatva. Tender affection for one's brothers on the path of Liberation.
Even one of these, if properly contemplated and with right-belief, brings about the inflow of Tirthamkara-body-making karma.
VII.-Family-determining The inflow of low-family-determining karma is caused by :
1. Paraninda, speaking ill of others; 2. Atma prašansâ, praising oneself; 3. Sad gunocchâdanu, concealing the good qualities of others; and 4. Asad guņa udbhavana, proclaiming in oneself the good qualities
which one does not possess. The inflow of high-family-determining karma is caused by the opposites of the above, i.e.,
1. Para prašansa, praising others; 2. Âtma ninda, denouncing one's self; 3. Parsad-gunodbhavana, proclaiming the good qualities of others; 4. Átmasad-gunocchâdana, not proclaiming one's own good qualities 5. Nichair-vrilli, an attitude of humility towards one's betters; and 6. Anutseka, not being proud of one's own achievement or attainments.
The inflow of obstructive (Antarâya) karma is caused by disturbing others in charity, gain, enjoyment of consumable things, enjoyment of non-consumable things and making use of their powers.
The inflow of the seven karmas, i.e., of all except the age-karma, is going on always, in souls influenced by the Passions, and of the
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