Hermann Kuhn
flects the degree of realization of the other person.34 The real perception happens directly. During this process all limits that exist normally between the consciousness of two persons fall away. Any communication through external means (words etc.) becomes superfluous in this situation.
The scope and depth of what we perceive is influenced by the degree with which we ourselves have access to higher states of consciousness (even if we are not fully aware of this access yet.).
Direct mental perception (manah-paryaya) is an excellent tool for the precise transmission of complex and multilayered contents. It is the immediate predecessor of omniscience and is not subjected to error and misunderstanding.
Direct mental perception rises when all karmas that blocked this type of insight are dissolved or inactive (latent). It arises from the tenth stage of development onwards. Prior to that it can be experienced during the state of dream.
- Omniscience (kevala jnana) is an objective for which many people take on great inner and outer hardship. Yet seen from a higher perspective, omniscience is reached without the help of any means only by dissolving our karmic obstructions.
Omniscience is mentioned last, because this type of knowledge is reached after all other types have been experienced
34 An analogy illustrates this: When we say 'Look at the moon in the
sky!', the sky is only background.
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