edge that a certain event has happened though we did not receive news about it, or the sudden clear feeling that someone else will or will not meet success with a certain project, etc.
Without training clairvoyance is far less precise than its potential would permit. It is trained the same way as telepathy.
Extra sensual perception (ESP), premonition, the sixth sense, 'Déjà vu' are synonyms for our ability to perceive knowledge beyond the reach of our senses (avadhi).
Everything we perceive through clairvoyance and telepathy may also contain error.33
Clairvoyance and telepathy (avadhi) register only a limited part of reality. Sutra 21 and 22 deal more extensively with the six types of clairvoyance and telepathy and the range available to them.
- Knowledge we receive by direct perception of contents present in the mind of others (manah-paryaya) - is a state of consciousness where we perceive the mental activity of another person immediately and instantly in our own mind. This ability is far more precise and reaches into regions that clairvoyance and telepathy (avadhi) have no access to.
Direct mental perception (manah-paryaya) works in a dimension of realization where the instruments of senseperception (mati) and also the mind play no direct role.
Though the mind (manas) is part of this process, it serves only as field of reference, as background that re
33 this certainly also holds true for all knowledge we gain through our
senses and from external sources - see sutra 31
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