One and only is my eternal Soul Knowledge and vision, combined Rests are my modes and moodes Formed by incidents - and state of mind.
Incident-prone this Soul Acquires misery unlimited I renounce therefore All feelings incident-related. Arihanta and Siddha are my Gods They are the Gurus, as long as I live the truth is the Dharma propogated and that truth I shall achieve.
Forgive me, forgiven you are oh, the creatures great and small Lord is my witness quarrel with none, friendship with all.
Creatures, who live in the world and far in universe, due to Karma-bondage I extend my good-wishes Forgive and be forgiven is the message.
Sins, vices and inhuman acts beings unfriendliness of any notion May that be destroyed, be forgiven Oh Lord, I surrender with all my devotion.
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