Obeisance to the Arhats and bhagavats Obeisance to the founders, the Tirthankaras and the self-enlightened ones. Obeisance to the best among men, the lions among men, the best lotus among men, the Gandha-hasti among men.
Obeisance to the best in the world, the guides of the world, the benefactors of the world, the beacon-lights of the world, the enlighteners of the world.
Obeisance to the liberators from fear, the givers of vision, the givers of the path, the givers of refuge, the givers of life and the givers of enlightenment.
Obeisance to the givers of Religion, the preachers of law, the masters of law, the leaders of law and the world-monarchs of law, who are the best in all the four directions.
Obeisance to those who are liberated from wrong knowledge and faith, who are the holders of unrestricted and best knowldege and faith, who are the light, the liberators, the refuge, and the givers of rest.
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