1. With all humility bowing and prostrating
myself at your feet, Oh God! who is the only means of support for the crossing of this ocean of life, I sing this song of a devotee in your praise, to remove the darkness of ignorance and in fashion of a heap of brilliant jewels to brighten up the low spirit of dejection.
2. Having attained great proficiency on studying
various sciences and revered scriptures, the divine ultra human chiefs have sung your praise. I too, Oh Jinendra! shall sing your praise by composing this melodious song which will capture the minds of all the three worlds.
3. Even without intelligence, the ignorant
attempt worship at your feet. I too am presumptuous and feel inspired by my intelligence to sing your praise. Who else but a child will aspire to capture the moon from its steady reflection made captive in water.
4. Oh ocean of virtues! Oh Lord of te moon! is
there anyone to compare in intelligence to sing your praise with the chief among teachers of the divine ultra-humans? Where, by tide-swells, even whales would roll in the ocean, who could swim the ocean by mere hands.
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