Jaina Temples of Western India
36 B-On plan and in structure it is similar to Devakulika 38A-Rectangular on plan it is samathe preceding ceiling. The inner face of the tala. The rectangular space of the ceiling is slightly square frame bears images of four-armed lalitā sana narrowed by a frame of four rectangular slabs placgoddesses; while its underside on each of the two ed over the architraves. The inner face of the shorter sides is relieved with three creeper medal. rectangular frame on each side depicts a padmāsana lions. The square flat surface shows a circular Jina with Srävakas carrying offerings, while its panel in the centre; it is surrounded all around by underside on each of the two projecting sides carries two square bands, each decorated with creepers a Kinnara-couple accompanied on either side by a which emerge from the mouth of a kirttimukha carved human-couple seated in voluted lotus scrolls. The in the centre on each side, but the creeper at each rectangular flat surface of the ceiling is divided corner is replaced by a whorl of five-fold (4+1) into three compartments, the central being square pointed kola. The circular panel is deeply cut with and the side ones, rectangular. The square comtwo bands of eight-foil pointed and quatrefoil kolas; partment is divided into three concentric circular in the centre of the quatrefoil kola is inserted a bands. The outer band consists of twelve-foil kola small stamenal tube clasped by one row of petals. set up in gajatālu and edged with a row of incurved Between the two kolas is a reverse gajatālu. Each lotus petals. The intermediate band, edged with of the two square bands as well as the circular reverse gajatālu, depicts a row of incurved lotus panel is edged with gajatālu.
petals. The inner band is like the intermediate
one but shows in its centre a quatrefoil kola conDevakulika 37 A-Square on plan it is a sama
taining a stamenal tube clasped by one row of utkşipta ceiling of the mandaraka order. The manda
petals. At each corner of the square are shown raka is represented in four concentric circular bands
creepers. The two rectangular compartments are comprising, from outer to inner, sixteen-foil, twelve
filled with relief carvings representing Jaina monks foil, eight-foil and quatrefoil kolas, each set up in
and Srāvakas. gajatalu. The quatrefoil kola also contains a stamenal tube clasped by one row of petals. At each
38B--On plan and in structure it follows the corner of the square is a kiritimukha. The ceiling preceding ceiling. The inner face of the rectanguis raised up by a square frame of four rectangular lar frame is decorated with balcony models, while slabs sculptured with figures of musicians and it underside depicts an image of goddess Ambikä on dancers.
the one side and that of Sarvānubhūti on the other.
The rectangular flat surface shows some images of 37B-Square on plan it is samatala. Its square
unidentified gods and goddesses, 38 flat surface shows three square bands disposed one within the other at equidistances. The outer square Devakulika 39A-Rectangular on plan it is a displays a slightly projecting lümā at each corner sama-utksipta ceiling of the mandāraka order. But and a Kinnar-couple on each side. Each lämā con- its space is reduced to a square by the usual framesists of a quatrefoil and a circular kola, and a small work of placing four rectangular slabs over the stamenal tube terminating in a mandāraka flower, architraves. The inner face of the square frame the whole being encircled by a band of gajatalu. displays images of lalitāsana goddesses in niches, The intermediate square depicts sixteen lotus but the central niche on each side depicts a male flowers, each having one row of incurved petals. divinity. The underside of the frame on the two Edged with gajatalu the inner square has a circular shorter sides depicts a row of campaka flowers, each belt depicting in two concentric bands an eight-foil set up in a lozenge bordered by a diamond-andpointed kola and a quatrefoil kola respectively, bead band and having kirttimikhas at corners. The each preceded by a reverse gajatālu. In the centre square part of the ceiling represents mandäraka ele. of the quatrefoil kola is a stamenal tube clasped by ment in three concentric circular bands. Set up in two rows of petals. The ceiling is raised up by a gajatālu the outer band consists of twelve-foil pointed square frame of four rectangular slabs carved with kola. The intermediate band, edged with reverse images of lalitasana goddesses.
gajatālu, has an eight-foil pointed kola. The inner,
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