Description of Temples Devakulika 34A-Square on plan it is a ksiptotks. mandāraka element in three concentric circles. The ipta ceiling of the padmamandāraka order. This com- sharply cut outer circle shows ardhapadma motif on posite form is represented in three concentric the inner face and a kirttimukha at each corner on circles. The deeply cut outer circle shows a goose- the underside. The intermediate circle represents band on the inner face and a Kinnara-couple at twelve whorls of four-fold (3+1) reverse kola folloeach corner on the underside. Edged with reverse wed by twelve whorls of four-fold normal kola. The gajatalu the intermediate circle has twelve whorls inner circle, edged with reverse gajatalu, depicts an of four-fold (3+1) kola touching the inner face of open lotus having three rows of petals, the outer the outer circle. The inner circle depicts six proje- and the central rows being incurved and the intercting small lämās encircling a larger replica of the mediate row being displayed in the cyma recta same in centre. Each of the smaller lümās consists form. of a reverse gajatālu, a six-foil pointed kola, and a deeply set circular kola containing a stamenal tube
35B-On plan it follows the preceding ceiling,
but in structure it is samatala. The inner face of clasped by one row of petals. The central lama consists of two courses of six-foil pointed and quatre
the square frame is decorated with ardhapadma
device, while its underside on each of the two shorfoil kolas, and a stamenal tube of the similar type
ter sides displays three projecting lämās in the diagoas we find in case of the other lümās; its each course
nal order. Each lãma is like a serrated diamond and is edged with reverse gajatalu. The ceiling is raised
consists of three courses of twelve-foil, eight-foil and up by a square frame of four rectangular slabs
quatrefoil kolas, and a small stamenal tube terminrepresenting a käyotsarga Jina with figures of Mälä
ating in a six-petalled mandaraka flower. Between dharas, trumpeters, horse-riders and elephants on
the lamas on two sides are deeply cut half lümās of the inner face, and a band of creepers on the two
the similar variety. The square flat surface is boldly projecting narrow undersides.
relieved with an image of twenty-armed lalitäsana 34B—Square on plan it is samatala. Its square
goddess Mahāmänasi with her lion mount.84 She ho30
lds sword, lotus, arrow, trišala, danda, goad, vyakhyflal surface is divided into five concentric circular
anamudrā, snake, club and varadam udra in the right bands representing, from outer to inner, a row of
hands, and shield, club, bow, noose, vajra, abhayamgeese, ar dhapadma pattern in beaded half circles,
udrā, conch, pot, parafu and lotus in the left ones. leaves in beaded volutes, lotus petal-and-bud motif
The goddess is flanked on each side by an image of and a full-blown lotus flower having one row of
eight-armed standing male divinity holding vajra, petals. At each corner of the square are represented
goad, noose, vyakhyānamudrā, varadamudrā, vajra, creepers. The ceiling is raised up by a square frame of four rectangular slabs. The inner face of the frame je
jñānamudra and an indistinct object. depicts a kayotsarga Jina accompanied by Maladh- Devakulika 36A --Rectangular on plan it is aras, pitcher-bearers and male figures with hands samatala, but its space is reduced to a square by upraised in adoration, while its two projecting na- the usual framework of placing four rectangular rrow undersides depicts a band of lotus scrolls. slabs over the architraves. The inner face and the
two undersides of the square frame are inset with Devakulika 35A-Rectangular on plan it is a images of four-armed lalitasana goddesses. The samaksipta ceiling of the mandaraka variety, but its square flat surface is divided into five concentric space is reduced to a square by the usual framework circular bands representing, from outer to inner, of placing four rectangulars labs over the architra- lotus petals, ardhapadma enrichment in beaded half ves. The inner face of the square frame depicts circles, leaves in beaded volutes, lotus petal-andkayotsarga Jinas with Srävakas carrying water- bud, and a full-blown lotus flower comprising one vessels, garlands, incense-burners and flower vases. row of petals. Each corner of the square is occuwhile its underside on each of the two shorter sides pied by an image of four-armed lalitāsana goddess. represents three standing goddesses with attendant The whole is placed in a border of flamboyant figures. The square part of the ceiling represents pattern.
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