The Structural Temples of Gujarat indicate that they are here intended to serve as projections of the Kakşāsana sections of the manqapa in as much as they contain no flight of steps but form parts and parcels of the maņdapa in respect of the ground plan.
The porch at Srinagar (Sürya temple ) is open on all sides except on the side of the garbhagriha. Two pillars on the front side and two pilasters attached to wall of the garbhagriha support the superstructure over it which is stepped out pyramidal in shape. It is plain in design.
The square porch at Pasandavada (Gāyatri temple) has four dwarf pillars superimposed on dwarf walls. It contains signs of Kaksāsana (extinct) over the dwarf walls.
The rectangular porches are open on the front side except in the temple of Navidhraved which is open on three sides. The arrangement of pillars is also distinct in the case of these temples. In the temples at Srinagar (Devi temple), Khimeśvar and Balej, the rectangular porch has 8 pillars, 4 at the back attached to the maņdapa wall; and 4 in the front. The two pillars located at extremes are attached to the side walls, while the other intervening ones are free standing.
But the porch at Navidhraved is divided into 3 distinct sections. The middle Section is bigger in size and has 6 pillars, 2 attached to the back wall the rest being free standing. The other two sections on its two sides are further divided into four sub sections each. The side sections having twelve pillars in all. Thus the porch contains 18 pillars in all. The side sections contain Kakşāsana also (some of the portion of this porch is extinct).
Among the Caulukyan temples, the porches at the temples of Wadhwan and Odadar (Vaişhộava temple) are attached with garbhagrihas. At Wadhwan the porch is extinct. At Odadar it is almost square in ground plan, with dwarf pillars superimposed on dwarfwalls. The superstructure over it is of the Samvarņā type. The size of the porch is equal to that of garbhagsiha.
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