22 / The Later Gangas : Mandali-Thousand
Mārasingadeva (1065-70)
Mārasingadeva is the eldest of the four celebrated sons of the Barmmadeva, who had Bhujabala Ganga Permmāạideva as his second name. Mārasingadeva has been described as the lord of wealth of victory, with his three younger brothers who were also equally known for thier valour. Mārasingadeva's mother, Ganga Mahādevi was a constant worshipper of the feet of the Lord Jina. Mārasimha was influenced by his mother in persuit of the glory of their faith; a charter mentions that he was born like the three jewels 'ratnatraya', right faith (insight), right knowledge and right conduct. He made a grant of certain lands (specified) in Ardravalli to the family god the Pattada-basadi on the Mandali hill in the year saka 987 (C.E. 1065). Moreover he was the lay votary of the pontiff Māghaṇandi Siddhāntadeva, a preserver of the established doctrine of non-absolutism, shone with the growth of the true doctrine of Jaina faith. Māghaṇandi was the monk disciple of Prabhācandradeva-l, and a teacher of the illustrious Prabhācandra Siddhäntadeva-ll. Under the guidance of his rājaguru, Mārasingadeva and his younger brother Nanniya Gangadeva together made a grant of certain lands (specified) in Siriyür to the Mandali tirthada basadi, in the year saka 992 (1070) (Sh. 6. 1060; Sh. 10; 1085; 4, 1121-22). Mahāmandalesvara Tribhuvanamalla Nanniya-Ganga Permmādideva-l (1070-86)
With all the usual and traditional titles of the dynasty, Nanniya Ganga Permmādideva-l, second son of Bhujabala Ganga Permmāļi-l, who had Barmmadeva as his first name, succeeded his father as mahāmaņdaleśvara of the Mandalinād. He was a lay disciple of the famous Jaina ascetic Prabhācandra SiddhāntadevaII. He made a grant of certain land (specified) in Siriyūr to the crown basadi of Mandalinād, in saka year 992 (C.E. 1070) to conform the convenance of his family.
Mahāmandaleśvara Tribhuvanamalla Ganga Permmädideva, who had Nanniya Ganga, Jayaduttaranga as his other names, brought under his command the Gangavādi-96000, the then Cālukya emperor Tribhuvanamalladeva having favoured him with
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