Society and Religions / 61
for rşis, Nanniya Ganga Permmāạideva gave land, free of all hindrances. The recipient was śubhakirtideva bhattāraka. Nagara (Nakhara, Nakara), occuring in the Kannada inscriptions in the sense of merchant guilds, seems to signify a commercial town where the concerned basadi was built. In the Sivatatva-ratnākara, Nagara is defined as a metropolis of imports and exports, a residence of various communities and castes and a seat of the ruler (Chapt. VI. VV. 15-16). Thus, Kalumbūru Nagara, with a basadi, was a main habitat
of the Mandali-Thousand. 36. When Hermmādideva, impaler of liars, and his father-in-law's
lusty elephant ('māvana-gandha-vāraṇa'), was in the residence of Harige, his capital, ruling Ededore-Mandali Thousand, made a caityālaya in Kuntalapura. To provide for the worship, for food to the four sections of Jaina society (the monk, nun, layman and lay woman), for all the four castes, for repairs of the temple, for making this the chief station for all, washing the feet of their family guru PrabhācandraSiddhāntadeva, Hermmādideva made a grant of the village with all rights pertaining, free of all imposts, in C.E. 1132; the excellent ācārya, the adept, Nemicandra bhattārakadeva,
stayed in this Kuntalapura chapel in the year C.E. 1204. 37. Satya (Nanni) Gangadeva also made a 'Ganga Jinālaya' in
the Kuruļi-tirtha in the year 1132, washing the feet of his religious head Mādhavacandradeva, made a grant of land
(Sh. 64. 1132). 38. A basadi at Hebbandegrāma built by Ketavve, a lay disciple
of the preceptor Municandra Siddhantadeva, a disciple of Kanakanandi Traividya Siddhāntadeva. To this basadi, Bittideva, Bhujabala Ganga Permmādideva, Barmmagāvunda and nā!-prabhu made a grant of land (specified)
with six houses and one oil-mill (Sh. 89. 1111. pp. 102-03). 39. The Arhad Pārśva Jinagļha at Bannikere, erected by the
perggadati Bacaladevi, the beloved queen consort of Tribhuvanamalla Bhujabala Ganga Permmadideva, was a
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