The Jain Image Inscriptions of Ahmadabad
This Ekatīrthi bronze image of Rşabhanātha with parikar is preserved in the lower sanctuary of Rsabhadeva Temple in Jahanpanah's Pole in Doshivada's Pole. It was made for the bliss of Mokhā. This Bimba was installed in V.S. 134), Vaishākha, sudi. 3, (Mon., 9 April, 1285 A.D.) according to Kārtikādi system of years.
॥ सं. १३४१ वर्षे वैशाख सुदि ३ अंचल गच्छे श्री यशोदेवसूरि संताने चाभरनु पु. भा. धना भार्या प्रेमलदेवि भा. देवागल भा. पु. गोविदेन भा. मोखा निमित्तं श्री ऋषभनाथबिंब कारितं प्रतिष्टि[ष्ठितं श्री सा.....॥
This Ekatīrthī bronze image of Shitalanāth with parikar is preserved in Lunasavada Moti Pole in the Delhi Chakala area. This icon was made by Sā. Naradāka for the bliss of his grand mother Paumasiri (Padamśrī) of Ukeśavamsa. This icon was installed by Muni Ratnasūri of Bruhad (Gaccha) in V.S. 1349, Jyestha, sudi. 10 (i.e. sat., 16 May, 1293 A.D.) as per Karttikādi system of years. ॥सं.१३४९ ज्येष्ट(ठ) सुदि १० श्री ऊकेश वंशे. सं. सावदपुत्र सा. नरदाकेन पितामही पउमसिरि श्रेयसे श्री शीतलनाथबिंब कारितं प्र.श्री बृहद्गच्छे श्री मुनिरत्नसूरिभिः ॥
This Tritīrthi bronze image of Shantināth with parikar is installed in Sambhavanāth temple in Nagajibhu dar's Pole. It was installed in V.S. 1352, Jyestha sudi. 5, Budh (i.e. Wed.,9May, 1296 A.D.) by Sumatisūri. संवत १३५२ वर्षे ज्येष्ठ सुदि ५ बुधे श्री सांवरगा भा. अरंसीपुत्र भीम भार्या पुनीयाथ पुत्र सूराकेन श्री शांतिनाथबिंब कारित प्रतिष्टि[ष्ठितं श्रीसुमतिसूरिभि(:) ।
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