multiplication of loaves, the changing of water into wide, etc.) The names of the persons at the foot of the cross are not given in two placus alike. On the sabject of resurrection the synoptics Jiffer considerably. What Mark says io XVI 9. 20 is an appendix added afterwards
....(Luke's] historical indications are false. Herod was verer Kiog, hat a governor. Cyrenius, whom he brings Avto his history of Je$15, governed from the year 7 to 11 A. D., and had consequently nothing to do with the story. He also mentions the wame of Lysapias, although he had died thirty-four years before Jesus was born...... The Gospel writers cannot have been familiar with the customs of the Jews in Palestiue, when they speak of baptising in a river, and especially in the Jordan, where even bathing was prohibited. In Luke we find two high prieste, Caiaphas and Adnan, existing at the same tinie which is impossible. We find Jesu: teaching in the Temple where ouly sacrifices took place, the synagogue serving for preaching......It we compare the Jewish Legal Code with the Gospel stories we come across very strauge contradictions. It was strictly prohibited to hold jodicial proceediogs on days of religious feasts, $0 Jesus can never have been judged on the day of the Pansover. It was also forbiddeu to carry arms on such days, so that the chief priests would never have sent the Temple Guard to arrest Christ, and Peter would cerainly not have woru a sword."
The above is a summary of but a few of the Biblical contradictions. But European Scijolarship has not been content with pointing out mere discrepancies in the Bibilcal text; it has also busied itself in tracing the sources of the varions Joctrines of the Gospels them.
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