from that we find in the synoptics, he does not mentions the Lord s supper, he gives a different day for the Lord'sdeath, speaks of three feasts of the Passover where the others speak but of one, and relates alrnost all the incidents of the life of Christ as taking place at Jerusalem, whereas, according to the synoptics, only the end of his life was spent there. In S. John's version the character of John the Baptist loses almost all its importance, the miracles are quite different, becoming more astonishing and, at the same time, more symbolical ; the whole character of Jesus is much more divine and more like an aspect of the LOGOS than in the synoptics ; but at the same time he speaks of Jesus as the son of Joseph, and does not mention the birth from a virgin...... Neither do the so-called synoptica agree together. To begin with the date of the birth of Jesus is fixed by Matthew as occarriog four years before our era at the very latest (ander Herod). Luke makes it ten years later (dariog the enrolment), or in the year 6 A. D., yet states, further on, that in the fifteeath year of Tiberius--our 29 A. D.--Christ was about thirty years old.... The Miraculous birth is not related by S. Mark ; S. Matthew and S. Luke give two quite different genealogies for Christ'e: descent, through Joseph, from King David, but there... are in contradiction with the story of His birth from a Virgin. Had Mary and Joseph known of the miraculous birth, would they have been astonished when Christ spoke in the Temple of Hie Father's business (Luke, ii. 58)? The miracles related by the synoptics, are much alike, but the circumstances ander which they are stated to have occurred are very different...... The greatest miracle--the raising of Lazarus-is related only by S. Johu. The other miracles art...often allegories (the
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