Bhagavai 3:1:67-71
-:53:Yes, he is. 3.65 se bhamte! kim ādhāmāne pabhū? aņāṇhāmāne pabhū?
goyama! ädhämäne pabhū, no anädhämäne pabhū. Is be, O Lord, so qualified (to hold conversation and dialogue) with due respect, or without it? Gautama, he is so qualified with due respect, not without it. 3.66 pabhūņam bhamte! isäne devimde devarāyā sakkenam devimdenam devarannā
saddhim ālāvam vā samlāvam vā karettae? hamtā pabhū. Is Iśāna, the chief and the king of the gods, O Lord, qualified to hold conversation and dialogue with Sakra, the chief and the king of the gods?
Yes, he is. 3.67 se bhamte! kim ädhämāne pabhü? anādhāmāne pabhū?
goyamā! ädhāmāne vi pabhū, aņādhāmāne vi pabhū. Is he, O Lord, so qualified with due respect, or without it? Gautama, he is so
qualified both with and without respect. 3.68 atthi nam bhamte! tesim sakkīsānānam devimdānam devaräīnam kiccäim
karanijjāim samuppajjamti? hamtā atthi. Does there arise, O Lord, in Sakra and Iśāna, the chief and the king of the gods, a thought for actions to be performed?
Yes, it arises. 3.69 se kahamidānim pakaremti?
goyamā! tāhe ceva nam se sakke devimde devarāyā īsānassa devimdassa devaranno amtiyam pāubbhavati, īsāne vā devimde devarāyā sakkasa devimdassa devaranno amtiyam pāubbhavati. iti bho! sakkā! devimdā! devarāyā! dāhinaddhalogāhivaī! iti bho! īsānā! deviņdā! devarāyā! uttaraddhalogāhivai! iti bho! iti bho! tti te annamannassa kiccāim karanijjāim paccanubbhavamānā viharamti. If so, how do they translate that into action? Gautama, if there is an occasion for, Sakra, the chief and the king of the gods, he would appear before Isāna, the chief and the king of the gods and if there is an occasion for Iśāna, the chief and the king of gods, he would appear before Sakra, the chief and the king of the gods. Iśāna would say: 0 Sakra, the chief and the king of gods, O Lord of the southern region! at this time such and such work is to be done. Sakra would say: 0 Iśāna, the chief and the king of the gods, O Lord of the Northern Region! at this time, such and such work is to be done. (On being given such assignment) both would
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