Bhagavai 3:1:60-67
3.58 pabhu nam bhamte! īsāne devimde devarāyā sakkassa devimdassa devaranno amtiyam pāubbhavittae?
hamtā pabhū.
Is Iśāna, the chief and the king of the gods, O Lord, qualified enough to appear before Śakra, the chief and the king of the gods? Yes, he is.
3.59 se bhamte! kim āḍhāmāṇe pabhū? aṇāḍhāmāṇe pabhū? goyamā! āḍhāmāṇe vi pabhū, aṇāḍhāmāṇe vi pabhū.
Is he, O Lord, so qualified (to appear before Śakra) with due respect, or without it?
Gautama, he is qualified (to appear) with due respect, not without it.
3.60 pabhu nam bhamte! sakke devimde devaräyā īsāṇam devimdam devarayam sapakkhim sapadidisim samabhiloittae?
hamtā pabhū.
Is Sakra, the chief and the king of the gods, O Lord, qualified to look straight towards Īsāna, the chief and the king of the gods?
Yes, he is.
3.61 se bhamte! kim āḍhāmāṇe pabhū? aṇāḍhāmāṇe pabhū? goyamā! äḍhāmāne pabhu, no aṇāḍhāmāne pabhū.
Is he, O Lord, so qualified (to look straight) with due respect, or without it? Gautama, he is qualified (to look straight) with due respect, not without it.
3.62 pabhu nam bhamte! īsāne devimde devarayā sakkam devimdam devarayam sapakkhim sapaḍidisim samabhiloittae?
hamtā pabhū.
Is Iśāna, the chief and the king of the gods, O Lord, qualified to look straight towards, Śakra, the chief and the king of the gods? Yes, he is.
3.63 se bhamte! kim adhāmāne pabhū? aṇāḍhāmāṇe pabhū? goyamā! äḍhāmāne vi pabhū, aṇādhāmāne vi pabhu.
Is he, O Lord, so qualified (to look straight) with due respect, or without it? Gautama, he is qualified (to look straight) with due respect, and also without due respect.
3.64 pabhu nam bhamte! sakke devimde devarāyā īsāne nam devimdenam devaraṇṇā saddhim ālāvam vā samlāvam vā karettae?
hamtā pabhū.
Is, Śakra, the chief and the king of the gods, O Lord, qualified to hold conversation and dialogue with Isana, the chief and the king of the gods?
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