- 610 :
Bhagavai 7:9:179-182
Gautama! in the Mahāśilākantaka battle, being fought, all the horses, elephants, warriors and charioteers, when hit even by a straw, a piece of wood, leaf or a pebble, had the feeling that they were struck by large boulders. For this reason, O Gautama! the battle was designated as Mahāśilākantaka
battle. 7.180 mahāsilākamtae ņam bhamte! samgāme vattamāne kati janasaya-sāhassio
vahiyão? goyamā! caurāsīim janasayasähassio vahiyao. How many hundred thousand people were killed, O Lord! in the Mahāśilākanţaka battle?
Gautama! eighty-four hundred thousand people were killed. 7.181 te nam bhamte! manuyā nissīlā niggunā nimmerā nippaccakkhānapo
sahovavāsā rutthā parikuviyä samaravahiya anuvasamtā kālamāse kālam kiccā kahim gaya? kahim uvavannā? goyamā! ussannam naraga-tirikkhajoniesu uvavannā. People, killed in that battle, O Lord! were devoid of sīla (great vows and small vows), devoid of virtue, devoid of mores, devoid of renunciations, and not observing any kind of pausadhopavāsa (fasting with undertaking daylong abstinence from sinful activity). While dying, they were full of rage and wrath, and devoid of tranquillity. Where did they go after death and take birth? Gautama! they mostly were born in infernal and subhuman realms.
Bhāsya 1. Sutra 181 Semantics ussanna-mostly. It is a desī word. See Bhāsya on Bha. 7/190.
Text Rahamusalasamgāma-padam 7.182 nāyameyam arahayā, suyameyam arahayā, viņnāyameyam arahayā
rahamusale samgāme. rahamusale nam bhamte! samgāme vattamane ke jaitthā? ke parājaitthā? goyamä! vajjī, videhaputte, camare asurimde asurakumārarāyā jaitthā; nava
mallaī, nava lecchaī parājaitthā. The Topic of the Rathamusala Battle
The Rathamusala battle has been known to the Adorable One, has been heard by the Adorable One and has been perfectly known by the Adorable One. Who was, O Lord! the victor in the battle and who was the vanquished?
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