Bhagavai 3:1:35-37
-: 39:author of the Vrtti does not give any clear definition. He has also mentioned an opinion according to which a ground of the length of the body is called nivartana:) A nivartana is twenty dandas or eighty cubits in length. Four aratanis (a closed fist hand) make one danda. Ten dandas make one rajju; three rajjus make one nirva-tana. According to the Lilāvatī, 10 cubits = bamboo. 20 bamboos = 1 nivartana. Thus different measures of a nivartana are available in different places. The hermit Tāmali marked out a spot for his fasting, which was bigger than ten cubits in length. 7. Nivanna
The Vrtti has sanskritized the word as nispanna.' But the Prakrit equivalent of nispanna should be nippanna or nipphanna. The Sanskrit equivalent of nivanna may be nipanna which means 'lying down'. Skandaka undertook fasting unto death in crossed-leg posture. May be, Tāmalī undertook the fast in lying posture. The kāyotsarga is performed in three postures— sitting, standing and lying. It is not possible to fast in standing posture, which can be done only while sitting or lying. Among the ascetics, the practice of lying posture in kāyotsarga was prevalent.
For the meanings of pādukā, kundikā etc., see Bhāsya, on Bha. 2.31. Semantics ditthābhattha — It consists of two words : dittha and ābhattha. The meaning of the word dittha is—'whom he had met' and äbhattha is 'whom he had talked with'. Abhattha is a desi word.
1. Bha. 8.428 - devāuyakammāśarīrappayogabamdhe nam bhamte! kassa kammassa udaenam?
goyamā! sarāgasamjamenam, samjamāsamjamenam, bālatavokammenam, akāmanijjarãe devāuyakammāsarirappayoganämäe kammassa udaenam devāuyakammäsarirappayogabamdhe. 2. Dasavve. Hä. T. p. 68. See Dasavve. 1.3 note p.11. 3. Bha. Vị. 3.36 - nivarttanam -- kşetramānāvišeşastatparimāņam nivarttanikam, nijatanupramānā
mityanye. 4. Apte. Nivartana - A measure of land (20 rods)
danda - A measure of length equal to 4 Hastas. 5. Kautilya Arthaśāstra, p. 115, astatrimśa prakarana, 20h adhyāya - caturaratnirdando ...... daśa
dandā rajjuh. trirajjukam nivartanam. 6. Līlāvati, Paribhāsāprakaranam, sloka 7 -
tathā karāņām daśakena vamsah,
nivartanam vimśativamśasamkhaih.. 7. Bha. Vị. 3.36 'nivvanne'tti pādapopagamanam 'nişpannah' upasampanna āśrita ityarthah.
3.37 teņam kālenam tenam samaenam balicamcā rāyahānī aniindā apurohiyā yā vi
hotthā. In that period, at that time, the capital city Balicañcā was without a chief (Indra) and without a priest (Purohita).'
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