Bhagavai 7:7:139-144
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Gautama! with respect to the sense-organs of sound and colours, the souls are the subjects of desires; with respect to the sense-organs of smell, taste and touch, the souls are the subjects of feelings. For this reason has it been said, O Gautama! that the souls are both-the subjects of desires as well as subjects of feelings.
7.140 neraiya ṇam bhamte! kim kāmi? bhogī?
evam ceva jāva thaniyakumārā.
Are the infernals, O Lord! the subjects of desires or the subjects of feelings? The same reply holds good in the case of soul-groups from infernals...... up to the Stanitakumāra.
7.141 pudhavikäiyāṇam-pucchā.
goyama! puḍhavikāiyā no kāmī, bhogi.
Now the same query about the earth-bodied beings.
Gautama! the earth-bodied beings are not the subjects of desires, they are only the subjects of feelings.
7.142 se kenattheṇam jäva bhogi?
goyama! phäsimdiyam paducca. se teṇattheņam jāva bhogī. evam jāva vaṇassaikäiyā. beimdiya evam ceva, navaram-jibbhimdiya-phāsimdiyāim paducca. teimdiya vi evam ceva, navaram-ghāṇimdiya-jibbhimdiyaphāsimdiyāim paducca.
For what reason has it been said, O Lord! that the earth-bodied beings....... up to they are subjects of feelings?
Gautama! it has been said so with respect to the sense-organ of touch, due to which they are subjects of feelings only. Similar description holds good for water-bodied, fire-bodied, air-bodied and vegetation-bodied beings. About the two-sensed beings, similar description holds good excepting that in their case, it is with respect to the sense-organs of taste and touch. About the three-sensed beings, similar description holds good excepting that in their case, it is with respect to the sense-organs of smell, taste and touch.
7.143 caurimdiyāṇam-pucchā.
goyama! caurimdiyā kāmī vi, bhogī vi.
The same query about the four-sensed beings.
Gautama! the four-sensed beings are both-the subjects of desires as well as subjects of feelings.
7.144 se kenattheņam jāva bhogī vi?
goyamā! cakkhimdiyam paḍucca kāmī, ghāṇimdiya-jibbhimdiya-phäsimdiyaim paḍucca bhogi. se tenatthenam jäva bhogi vi, avasesä jahā jīvā jāva vemāṇiyā. For what reason has it been said, O Lord! that they are...... up to the subjects
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