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Bhagavai 7:3:67-75
or auspicious). The infernal soul, possessed of black leśyā, is with more karma, the infernal soul, possessed of blue leśyā, is with less karma. In the present dialogue, exceptions of this rule have been pointed out. The infernal soul, possessed of black leśyā, is much aged. He has already lived a larger part of his life-span. The infernal soul, possessed of blue leśyā, is a newly born inhabitant. Duration of life-span
With reference to duration of life-span, the infernal, possessed of black leśyā, is with less karma and the infernal soul, possessed of blue leśyā, is with more karma. This rule with reference to duration is applicable in all cases.
In the present dialogue, more karma and less karma are used relatively. They are mainly related with the life-span and sensation-experiencing karma, and also with gati (-nāma) (i.e., the body-making quâ the realm or order of existence), jāti (nāma) (i.e., the body-making karma quâ species) etc. of the life-span-determining karma.
1. See the Bhāşya of Bha. 1.37-38, 1.60-100, 1.102. 2. Jivā. 3.98-102. 3. Panna. 17.51-53. 4. Jiva. 3.1101-1104.
Vedaņā-nijjarā-padam 7.74 se nūnam bhamte! jā vedanā sa nijjarā? ja nijjarā sā vedaņā?
goyamā! ņo inatthe samatthe. The Topic of Experiencing of Karma and Falling away of Karma
O Lord!' is the vedanā (experiencing of karma) the same as (falling away of karma)? Is the nirjarā (falling away of karma) the same as the vedanā (experiencing of karma)? Gautama! this is not possible. 7.75 se kenatthenam bhamte! evam vuccai-jā vedanā na să nijjarā? jā nijjarā na
sā vedanā? goyamā! kammam vedanā, nokammam nijjarā. se tenatthenam goyamā! evam vuccai jā vedaņā na sā nijjarā, jā nijjarā na să vedanā. For what reason has it been said, O Lord! that the vedanā (experiencing of karma) is not the same as nirjarā (falling away of karma), the nirjară (falling away of karma) is not the same as vedanā (experiencing of karma)? Gautama! that which is experienced is karma and that which falls away is non-karma. For this reason, O Gautama! has it been said that what is experiencing of karma is not the same as the falling away of karma, what is the falling away of karma is not the same as the experiencing of karma.
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