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Bhagavai 7:1:4-5 from passion), but is informed with passions. It is for this reason that it is said that he is not involved in an instantaneous activity, but he is involved in an activity informed with passions.
1. Sutras 4, 5
There are three sutras that deal with airyäpathiki kriyā (i.e., instantaneous activity free from passions)-1. samvṛta sūtra (inhibition sutra), 2. anayukta sūtra, 3. yathasutra, utsutra.' The subject matter, of 'inhibition sutra' is that a self-composed, self-guarded and self-aware ascetic is engaged in instantaneous activity free from passion. The subject matter of the anayukta sutra pertaining to the person who is not self-aware is that the person who is vitaraga-free from passionsinvolves himself in 'instantaneous activity free from passions', whereas the person who is avitaraga-not free from passions-is involved in sämparäyiki kriyā (i.e... activity informed with passions). The person behaving strictly according to the prescriptions of the scriptures (yathasutra) is involved in the instantaneous activity, whereas the person involved in activity which is against the prescriptions of the scriptures (utsutra), subjects himself to the activity that is informed with passions." There is an integration of subject-matter of both the above mentioned sutras in Bha. 7.125, 126-the sutras pertaining to a self-inhibited ascetic.
(Now, here is an interesting point for discussion:). Even an ascetic, who he is. not free from passions is not capable of instantaneous activity free from passions, it is evident that a householder cannot become capable of such activity. Why then, the question has been raised whether the householder who is the lay follower of the kramanas can engage in 'instantaneous activity free from passions', while practising sāmāyika, or not.
The Sutra (7.4) furnishes us with the justification of such question by indicating the background of the lay follower of the śramanas, engaged in the practice of samayika-such person is a follower of Sramanas; he is sitting far from the impious atmosphere of the house in the serene environment of the upasraya (the sojourning place of the ascetics) and is engaged in the practice of samayika (observance of equanimity by formally giving up all sinful activities); thus, the sanctified place, the benign presence of the ascetics and the spiritual practice of tranquillity-all the three factors contribute to the pacification of passions. Under such circumstance, it is quite consistent to raise the query whether the airyāpathiki kriya is possible for such pious person or only the samparayiki kriya is possible..
Lord Mahāvīra answered the doubt on the basis of the 'concept of adhikarana', [which states that intrinsically anyone who is not an ascetic is as good as an adhikarana (i.e., a weapon or implement of violence)] by pointing out that even though, at present, the passions of the lay follower are extrinsically subdued, yet his soul is possessed of adhikarana, that is to say, the instinctive urge to employ 'instruments of destruction' (adhikarana). Such a soul is possessed of 'adhikaraṇa' and hence it is always susceptible to activity informed with passions, it is not capable
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