Bhagavai 7:1:3-5
-: 495:(earthen) bowls blended together, one above other, with the first one upside down, the second one in the erect position above it and the third one again upside down above it). Such cosmos is expanded at the bottom, contracted at middle, and again vastly expanded at the top. At bottom it is of the configuration of one sitting in the posture of cross-legged; at the middle it is shaped like an excellent vajra (which is thin at the middle); and at the top it is of the shape of a vertically placed drum. At that time, in the cosmos expanded at bottom ....... up to vertically placed drum. The omniscient, adorable jina, possessed of knowledge and intuition arisen in him, knows and sees the soul, knows and sees the non-soul, and thereafter is liberated, tranquilized, freed, emancipated and makes an end of all suffering.
Bhāsya 1. Sutra 3
See Bhäsya on Bha. 5.254, 255.
Samanovāsagassa kiriyā-padam 7.4 samanovāsugassa rambhamte! sāmāiyakadassa samanovassae accha-māṇassa
tassa ņam bhamte! kim riyāvahiyā kiriyā kajjai? samparāiyā kiriyā kajjai?
goyamā! no riyāvahiyā kiriyā kajjai, samparāiyā kiriyā kajjai. The Topic of the Activity of the Follower of the Ascetic (Sramana)
Is the lay follower of the śramana, engaged in practising sāmāyika, seated at the sojourn of the sramaņa, involved in airyāpathiki kriyā (instantaneous activity devoid of passions) or sāmparāyikī kriyā (an activity that is informed with passions)? Gautama! he is not involved in an instantaneous activity but he is involved
in an activity informed with passions. 7.5 se kenatthenam bhamte! evam vuccai---no riyāvahiyā kiriyā kajjai? samparāiyā
kiriyā kajjai? goyamā! samanovāsayassa nam sāmāiyakadassa samanovassae acchamāṇassa āyā ahigarani bhavai, āyāhigaranavattiyam ca nam tassa no riyāvahiyā kiriyā kajjai, samparāiyā kiriyā kajjai. se tenatthenam, For what reason is it said, O Lord! that he is not involved in an instantaneous activity but he is involved in an activity informed with passions? Gautama! the soul of the lay follower of the śramaņa, engaged in the practice of the sāmāyika, seated in the resting place of the sramaņas, is involved in using the instruments of destruction; on account of his being involved in using the instrument of destruction, his activity is not instantaneous (free
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