-: 458 :
Bhagavai 6:8:151-152
gradual decrease in the quantity of niseka. The process of niseka continues till the end of the duration of karma."
In the six varieties of life-span given above, 'species' and 'realm' are the subtypes of body-making karma. There is no mention of "avagāhanā" among the subtypes of body-making karma. Abhayadevasūri has explained avagāhanā as 'body'? (gross and protean bodies). Thus, avagāhanā-nāma karma has been recognised as śarīra-nāma-karma which is a sub-type of body-making karma. There is insertion of the expression ‘nāma' in all the six phrases-jāti-nāma-niddhatāyuska, etc.. Abhayadevasūri gives two meanings of nāma
(i) parināma—transformation of the soul and
(ii) năma-karma-body-making karma)
Although, sthiti (duration), pradeśa (quantum) and anubhāga are not mentioned anywhere as the sub-types of body-making karma, yet there is possibility of the sub-types of body-making karma other than those mentioned.
1. Panna. 6.114-123. 2. Pa. Sam. Di. Sataka, gā. 262-288. 3. The footnote of Thānam, 6.116. 4. Bha. Vr. 6.151-nisekaśca karmapudgalānām pratisamayamanubhavanārtham racaneti. 5. The Sanskrta Țikā of Pa. Sam. Di. Šataka, gā. 395, p.246
paratah paratah stokah pūrvatah pūrvato bahuḥ|
samaye samaye jñeyo yāvat sthitisamäpanam II 6. Panna. 23.38. 7. Bha. Vp. 6.151-avagāhate yasyām jīvah sā'vagāhanā-sarīram audārikādi, tasyā nāma
audārikādiśarīranāmakarmmetyavagāhanänāma avagāhanārūpo vā nāma-parināmo'vagāhanānāma.
Tena saha yannidhattamāyustadavagähanānāmanidhattäyuh. 8. Ibid, 6.151-nāmeti-nāmakarmana uttaraprakstivišeşo jīvaparināmo vā. ...... athaveha sūtre
jātināma-gatināmāvagahanānāmagrahaņājjātigatyavagāhanānām prakrtimātramuktam, sthitipradeśānubhāga-nāmagrahanāttu tāsāmevam sthityādayauktāste ca jätyādināmasambandhitvānnāmakarmarūpå eveti nāmaśabdah sarvatra karmārtho ghatata iti sthitirūpam nāma-nāmakarmma sthitināma.
6.152 jīva ņam bhamte! kim jātināmanihattā? gatināmanihattā? thitināma-nihattā?
ogāhaņānāmanihattā? paesanāmanihattā? anubhāganāmanihattā? goyamā! jātināmanihattā vi jāva anubhāganāmanihattā vi. damdao jāva vemāniyānam. Are there souls, O Lord! which are (1) jāti-nāma-nişiktāḥ—which have the body-making karma quâ jāti (sense-based species) bound almost imperviously-fused peculiarly? (2) gati-nāma-nişiktāḥ—which have the body-making karma quâ gati (realm) bound almost imperviously-fused peculiarly? (3) sthiti-nāma-nișiktā)—the duration of the body-making karma bound almost imperviously-fused peculiarly? (4) avagāhanā-nāmanişiktāḥ-which have the sarīra-nāma karma, i.e., body-making karma quâ type of body (such as the gross body or the protean body) bound almost
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