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Bhagavai 6:3:35-37
6.35 nānāvaranijjam nam bhamte! kammam kim itthi bamdhai? puriso
bamdhai? napumsao bamdhai? noitthi nopuriso nonapumsao bamdhai? goyamā! itthi vi bamdhai, puriso vi bamdhai, nampusao vi bamdhai noitthi nopuriso nonapumsao siya bamdhai, siya no bamdhai. evam āugavajjāo satta kammappagadio. Is' the knowledge-covering karma, O Lord!' bound by a female? Bound by a male? Bound by a hermaphrodite? (Or) Bound by a soul who is neither female, nor male, nor hermaphrodite? Gautama! the female also binds, the male also binds, the hermaphrodite also binds it, the soul who is neither female, nor male, nor hermaphrodite, in some respect binds it, in some respect does not bind. In the same way, excluding the life-span-determining karma, all the remaining
seven types of karma are to be described. 6.36 āugam ņam bhamte! kammam kim itthi bamdhai? puriso bamdhai? napumsao
bamdhai? noitthī nopuriso nonapumsao bamdhai? goyamā! itthi siya bamdhai, siya no bamdhai. puriso siya bamdhai, siya no bamdhai. napumsao siya hamdhai, siya no bamdhai noitthi nopuriso nonapumsao na bamdhai. Is the life-span-determining karma, O Lord! bound by female? Bound by male? Bound by hermaphrodite? (Or) Bound by a soul which is neither female, nor male, nor hermaphrodite? Gautama! the female in some respect binds, in some respect does not bind, the male in some respect binds, in some respect does not bind; the hermaphrodite in some respect binds, in some respect does not bind. The
soul who is neither female, nor male, nor hermaphrodite never binds. 6.37 nāņāvaranijjam nam bhamte! kammam kim samjae bamdhai? asamjae
bamdhai? samjayāsamjae bamdhai? nosamjae noasamjae no samjayā-samjae bamdhai? goyamā! samjae siya bamdhai, siya no bamdhai. asamjae bamdhai, samjayāsamjae vi bamdhai. nosamjae noasamjae nosamjayāsamjae na bamdhai. evam āugavajjāo satta vi. āuge hetthillā tinni bhayanāe, uvarille na bamdhai. Is the knowledge-covering karma, O Lord! bound by a restrained person? Bound by an unrestrained person? Bound by a restrained-cum-unrestrained person? Bound by one who is neither restrained, nor unrestrained, nor restrained-cum-unrestrained? Gautama! the restrained person in some respect binds, in some respect does not bind. The unrestrained person binds, also the restrained-cumunrestrained person binds. One who is neither restrained, not unrestrained, nor restrained-cum-unrestrained does not bind.
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