Bhagavai 6:1:1-4
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3. The ascetic practising complete abstinence. 4. The ascetic subsiding/annihilating the tenacious passions. 5. The ascetic annihilating view-deluding karma. 6. The ascetic subsiding conduct-deluding karma. 7. The ascetic who has subsided conduct-deluding karma. 8. The ascetic annihilating conduct-deluding karma. 9. The ascetic who has annihilated conduct-deluding karma.
10. The Jina (the omniscient). The author of Tattvārtha Bhāsya has recognised two kinds of falling away of karma: involuntary and due to spiritual practice' (kuśalamūlā). The falling away of karma in the case of the infernals, which is the result of the past karma, is involuntary. There is no such conscious willing that “I shall throw away my karina." But the falling away of karma here is due to the fruition of past karma, so it is involuntary. Such falling away of karma is called akušalānubandhā which means nirjarā which is the result of bad karma. The falling away of karma due to austerity and conquering of hardships is called kusalamālā which means nirjarā which is the result of kušala i.e., righteous activity. The auspicious falling away of karma can be compared with the kusalamūlā nirjarā. Abhayadevasūri has explained auspicious falling away of karma as "kalyānānubandhā nirjarā" which means nirjarā which results meritoriously. In the Tattvārtha Bhāsya, two types of kuśalamālā nirjarā have been distinguished: śubhānubandhā and niranubandhā. The falling away of karma that produces good result like the reincarnation as a god etc. is śubhānubundha (producing auspicious bondage result). What is cause of liberation is falling away of karma with no bondage (niranubandhā).
An elaborate description of this subject matter is available in Sūtras 15,16 of this Sataka. Semantics kaddamarāgarattāim-soiled by deeply sticky slime. khamjanarāgarattäim—be smeared by ordinary grease or mud. gādhikayāim—tightly bound with the soul-units like an object tightly bound by a rope made of hemp-thread. cikkaņīkayāim-subtle kārmika bondage that is unbreakable on account of its being tightly bound, just like a (hard) clod of earth. silitthikayāim-nidhatta, e.g. red hot iron rods bound by a bondage into a bundle; karma which are not amenable to any change except udvartanā (increase in duration or intensity) and apavartanā (decrease in duration or intensity). khilībhūyāim-nikācita karma, whose result is sure and certain (which is not amenable to any change). mahāpajjavasāņāim—the falling away of karma which results in liberation. paramparāghāeņāim—struck again and again. ahigarani-an anvil.? āhābāyarāim-very gross clusters, of karmika pudgala, or worthless pudgala.
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