- 10:
Bhagavai 3:1:4 not enjoy the status of the chief in the same sense as actual Indra: actually they do not enjoy the lordship of the entire heaven, though they are as much respectable as the father, guru, teacher, etc. The Vrtti has only given the etymological meaning of the word sămānika. 4. Tāvattrimsaka
In the TBh, we find the word trāyastrimsa. In the Vrtti on the TBh and TRV, also the same word is available. These gods are like ministers and priests. The original Prakrit term should be Sanskritized as tāvattrimsaka. In the Buddhist Pali literature, we find the word tāvatimśa. 5. Custodians
In the TBh, the 'custodians' have been compared with the border security guards and the protector of people against theft. A detailed description of these custodians is available in the seventh section of this Sataka. 6. Seven armies, seven army-chiefs
For details, refer to the Thānam, 7.113-129. 7. Sentinels
They have been compared with the head-guards. They stand behind important persons, holding weapons in their hands. They do not appear to have any utility as gods do not need any security personnel, and so it is not necessary to engage them for the protection of the gods. They are justified in order to show the grandeur and magnificance of the gods and to observe the protocol of the chief of the gods." 8. Sovereignty .......... army-chiefs
In the present Sutra, there are five phrases indicating leadership: 12 1. Adhipatya
sovereignty 2. Paurapatya
first citizenship 3. Svāmitva
lordship 4. Bhartrtva
protectorship 5. Ajñā-īśvara-senāpati supreme authority and commander,
enjoying the power to order and direct. 9. Ahata-nātya-gīta
The Vrtti gives two Sanskrit forms to explain the meaning of the phrase: (1) ākhyānaka — dance related to a narrative, accompanied by appropriate song. (2) āhata—harmonious dance and song. The first meaning is in accordance with the earlier commentary, whereas the second is the opinion of the author of the Vrtti himself.13
10. Possessed of great fortune (emahiddhie)
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