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Bhagavai 5:8:205 je davvao apaese se khettao niyamā apaese, kālao siya sapaese, siya apaese, bhāvao siya sapaese, siya apaese. je khettao apaese se davvao siya sapaese, siya apaese, kālao bhayanāe, bhāvao bhayaņāe. jaha khettao evam kālao, bhāvao. je davvao sapaese se khettao siya sapaese, siya upaese. evam kālao, bhāvao vi. je khettao sapaese se davvao niyama sapaese, kālao bhayanāe, bhävao bhayanāe. jahā davvao tahā kālao, bhāvao vi. The ascetic Niyamțhiputta told the Nārayaputta thus: O noble one! in my opinion, even with the reference to substance, all material entities are with pradeśas and also without pradeśas-such material entities are infinite in number. O noble one! in my opinion, all material entities, even with reference to space, are with pradeśas and also without pradeśa-such material entities are infinite in number. O noble one! in my opinion, even with reference to time, all material entities are with pradeśas and also without pradeśas-such material entities are infinite in number. O noble one! in my opinion, even with reference to mode, all material entities are with pradeśas and also without pradeśa-such material entities are infinite in number. The material entities which is apradeśa with reference to substance is necessarily apradeśa with reference to space; with reference to time, in some respect it is sapradeśa, in another respect it is apradeśa; with reference to mode, in some respect it is sapradeśa, in some other respect it is apradeśa. The material entity which is apradeśa with reference to space, with reference to substance, it is in some respect sapradeśa, in some other respect it is apradeśa; with reference to time, there is division--in some respect it is sapradeśa, in some other respect it is apradeśa. There is also division with respect to modes—it is sapradeśa in some respect, it is apradeśa in other respect. As from the standpoint of space, it is described as sapradeśa, so from the standpoints of time and modes, also it is described as apradeśa. The material entity which is sapradeśa with reference to substance is, with reference to space, sapradeśa in some respect and apradeśa in other respect. In the same way, also with reference to time and modes, in some respect it is sapradeśa, in other respect it is apradeśa. The material entity which is sapradeśa with reference to space is, without exception, sapradeśa with reference to substance. There is option with reference to time—it is sapradeśa in some respect and apradeśa in other respect. There is option with reference to modes—in some respect it is sapradeśa in other respect it is apradeśa. As from the standpoint of substance, it is described as sapradeśa, so from the standpoints of time and modes, it is also described as sapradeśa.
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