Atthamo Uddeso
Niyamthiputta-nārayaputta-padam 5.200 tenam kälenam tenam samaenam jāva parisā padigayā. The Topic of (Dialogue between) Niyamthiputta and Nārayaputta
In that age, at that time (Bha. 1.4) ...... up to the multitude departed.
5.201 tenam kālenam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa amtevāsi
nārayaputte nāmam anagāre pagaibhaddae jāva viharati. teņam kālenam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao mahavīrassa amtevāsi niyamthiputte nāmam anagāre pagaibhaddae jāva viharati. tae nam se niyamthiputte anagāre jeņāmeva nārayaputte anagāre teneva uvāgacchai, uvāgacchittā nārayaputtam anagāram evam vayasī- savvapoggalā te ajjo! kim saaddhā samajjhā sapaesā? udāhu anaddhā amajjhā apaesā? ajjo! tti nārayaputte anagāre niyamthiputtam evam vayāsī-savvapoggalā me ajjo! saaddhā samajjhā sapaesā, no anaddhā amajjha apaesā. In' that age, at that time, the ascetic, named Narayaputta, who was a disciple of ascetic Lord Mahāvīra, was gentle by nature, tranquil by nature, with attenuated anger, pride, deceit and greed by nature, endowed with softness and modesty, disciplined and humble. He was seated there, neither too far nor too near the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra, with his knees erect and head bent, engrossed in meditation cell, sublimating on the self by means of restraint and austerity. In that age, at that time, the ascetic, named Niyamthiputta, who was a disciple of ascetic Lord Mahāvīra, was gentle by nature ..... up to restraint and austerity. Then the ascetic Niyamthiputta reached the place of the ascetic Nārayaputta; having reached there, he addressed the Nārayaputta thus: 0 noble one! have all the material entities their halves, have they their middle, have they their pradeśas: or are they not capable of halved, are they without middle, are they without pradeśas? The ascetic Nārayaputta spoke to the ascetic Niyamthiputta thus : O noble one! all the material entities have the halves, have middle, have pradeśa; they are not incapable of being halved, they are not without middle, they
are not without pradeśas. 5.202 tae nam se niyamthiputte anagāre nărayaputtam anagāram evam vayasi-jai
nam te ajjo! savvapoggalā saaddhā samajjhā sapaesā, no anaddhā amajjhā apaesā, kim
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