- 290:
Bhagavai 5:7:169-174
many varieties of states as there are samayas in the period of inmumerable time.
Second Law-The law of duration of a vibrating and non-vibrating material entities for remaining at a particular space-point/space-points-one samaya in the minimum, innumerableth part of an āvalikā in the maximum.?
Third Law-It is concerned with the duration of the continuity of the units of a quality. Colour, smell, taste and touch are the qualities of a material entity. There are five types of colour, two types of smell, five types of taste and eight types of touch). The black colour is a quality in which there can be infinite number of units. In the present dialogue, the word guna has been used in the sense of gunāmsa (which means units or degrees of the quality, say blackness etc.). The units of the quality in the paramānu of black colour undergoes transformation. Sometimes it has one unit, sometimes two, sometimes three and so on...... up to an infinite number of units of blackness. Each unit of quality is divided again in infinite number of indivisible parts (pariccheda). An entity of one unit of black colour is called black of the lowest grade. When there is increase in an indivisible part, there is transformation respectively of one unit into state of two units, three units, four units etc. The 'unit' in the quality' does not remain constant, it continuously undergoes change. In the present dialogue, the limit of duration of continuity in the same state has been propounded—one samaya in the minimum and the period of innumerable time in the maximum. This law is applicable to all the units of the qualities of colour, smell, taste and touch.
This law is applicable to the material entity with subtle transformation as well as gross transformation.
Fourth Law-It is concerned with the material entities which have been transformed as sound and non-sound.
The law of a paramānu, with vibration and without vibration occupying one space-unit-A material entity can not continue to vibrate for a long time. The duration of its remaining in the state of vibration is one samaya in the minimum and the innumerableth part of an āvalikā in the maximum. A material entity can stay as devoid of vibration for a longer period—one samaya in the minimum and a period of innumerable time in the maximum. In the XXV Sataka of the present canon, the durations of the time of a material entity contuinuing to remain in the state of vibration and devoid of vibration have been stated.
1. Bha. VỊ. 5.169-asamkhejjam kālam ti asamkhyeyakalatparah pudgalẫnămekarüpena
sthityabhāvāt. 2. See for avalika, Bha. 6.132. 3. The meaning of praticcheda is sakti-amsa i.e., the minimum unit of energy, 4. Şa. Kham. Dhavalā, pu.14, kham. 5. bhā. 6, sū. 539, p.450 and sū. 540, p.451. 5. Bha. 25.189, 200.
Paramāņu-khamdhānam amtarakāla-padam
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