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Bhagavai 5:7:165-172 In the same way the description of the cluster of three pradeśas should be understood.
1. Bha. Vr. 2.165-atra ca sarvena sarvamityeka eva ghatate, paramāņorniramsatvena seşāņāmasam
bhavāt. 2. Ibid., 5.165—nanu yadi sarvena sarvam sprśatītyuccyate tadā paramāņvorekatvāpatteh kathama
paraparaparamānuyogena ghatādi skandha nispattih? iti, atrocyate, sarveņa sarvam sprśatīti ko'rthah? svātmanā tāvanyo'nyasya lagato, na punararddhādyamsena arddhadideśasya tayorabhāvāt, ghatádyabhāvāpattistu tadaiva prasajyeta yadā tayorekatvāpattih, na ca tayoḥ sā, svarūpabhedāt.
Text Paramāņu-khamdhānam samthii-padam 5.169 parumāņupoggale nam bhamte! kälao kevaccitam hoi?
goyamä! jahannenam egam samayam, ukkosenam asamkhejjam kälam. evam
jāva anamtapaesio. The Topic of Duration of Paramāņu and Skandha
How long, O Lord! does a material paramānu (ultimate atom) remain in the form of paramāņu? Gautama! in the minimum, it remains as a paramāņu for one samaya (indivisible unit of time); in the maximum, for innumerable time. Similar
description follows about a cluster of infinite number of paramāņus. 5.170 egapaesogādhe nam bhamte! poggale see tammi vā thāne, annammi vā thäne
kālao kevacciram hoi? goyamā! juhannenam egam samayam, ukkosenam āvaliyāe asamkhejjaibhāgam. evam jāva asamkhejjapaesogādhe. How long does a vibrating material entity, O Lord! occupying a single space-point, continue to vibrate at that particular locus or any other locus? O Gautama! in the minimum, it continues to vibrate for one samaya; in the maximum innumerablth part of an avalikā. Similar duration is to be described) ...... up to a vibrating material entity, occupying innumerable
space-points. 5.171 egapaesogādhe nam bhamte! poggale niree kālao kevacciram hoi?
goyamā! jahannenam egam samayam, ukkosenam asamkhejjam kālam. evam jāva asamkhejjapaesogādhe. How long does a material entity, O Lord! occupying a single space-point, continue to remain without vibration (at the same place)? O Gautama! in the minimum, (it continues to remain without vibration) for one samaya; in the maximum, for a period for innumerable time-units. Similar duration is to be described) for a non-vibrating material entity,
occupying two ...... up to innumerable space-points. 5.172 egagunakālae nam bhamte! poggale kālao kevaccirum hoi?
goyamā! jahannenam egam samayam, ukkosenam asumkhejjam kālam. evam
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