Bhagavai 5:7:166-168
-: 285:the whole by the whole. When a material paramāņu touches a cluster of four paramāņus ..... up to that of infinite number of paramāņus, the same alternatives are applicable
as in the case of touching a cluster of three paramänus. 5.167 duppaesie nam bhamte! khamdhe paramānpupoggalam phusamāne kim
desenam desam phusai? pucchā. tattiya-navamehim phusai. duppaesio duppaesiyam phusamāne padhama-tatiya-sattama-navamehim phusai. duppaesio tippaesiyam phusamāne ādillaehi ya, pacchillaehi ya tihim phusai, majjhimaehim tihim vipadiseheyavvam. duppaesio jahā tippaesiyam phusāvio evam phusāveyavvo jāva anamtapaesiyam. When, O Lord! a cluster of two paramānus (a dyad) touches a material paramāņu, does it touch-(i) a part by a part? etc.--all the nine alternatives are asked as above (sūtra 5.165). The third and the ninth alternatives are applicable, viz., (iii) the whole by part, (ix) the whole by the whole. When a cluster of two paramāņus touches a cluster of two paramāņus, the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 9th alternatives are applicable, viz., (i) a part by a part, (iii) the whole by a part, (vii) a part by the whole, (ix) the whole by the whole. When a cluster of two paramāņus (a dyad) touches a cluster of three paramāņus (a triad), the first three and the last three alternatives are applicable and the middle three are prohibited. Just as a cluster of two paramāņus (a dyad) were made to touch the cluster of three paramāņus, similarly the cluster of two paramāņus should be made
to touch the clusters of four ..... up to infinite number of paramāņus. 5.168 tipaesie nam bhamte! khamdhe paramānpupoggalam phusamäne pucchā.
tattiya-chattha-navamehim phusai. tipaesio duppaesiyam phusamāṇe padhamaenam-tatiyanam-cauttha-chattha-sattama-navamehim phusai. tipaesio tipaesiyam phusamāne savvesu vi thanesu phusai. jahā tipaesio tipaesiyam phusāvio evam tippaesio jāva anamtapaesienam samjoeyavvo. jahā tipaesio evam jāva anamtapaesio bhäniyavvo. When, O Lord! a cluster of three paramānus touches a material paramāņu, does it touch--[i) a part by a part, all the nine alternatives are to be asked. Here 3rd, 6th and 9th alternatives are applicable. When a cluster of three paramāņus touches a cluster of two paramāņus, the 1st, 3rd, 46, 7th and 9th alternatives are applicable. When a cluster of three paramāņus touches a cluster of three paramāņus, all the nine alternatives are applicable.
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