Bhagavai 3:3:149-150
the stage of self-restraint without remissness. It is with reference to such circumstance that the minimum temporal dimension of self-restraint with remissness has been described as one time-unit.
The maximum time-dimension of pramatta samyata (self-restraint with remissness) may be counted in two ways:
[i] As the stages of self-restraint with remissness are interrupted by the stage of self-restraint without remissness, the maximum time-dimension of stages of selfrestraint with remissness is to be ascertained by actually counting those stages.
[ii] According to another opinion, the maximum time-dimension may be obtained by counting the period of uninterrupted stage of self-restraint with remissness.
According to the Vrtti, the minimum time-dimension of self-restraint without remissness is an intra-hour because the ascetic at this stage cannot die. According to the Cūrni, the stages higher than that of self-restraint with remissness of the ascetic are all of self-restraint without remissness, because there is no remissness. The ascetic ascending the ladder of suppression can meet death within one muhurtta, it is from this point of view that the minimum time-dimension of ascetic without remissness has been stated to be one anatarmuhürtta.?
According to Jayācārya's interpretation, here the apramatta (ascetic without remissness) must be the one ascending the ladder of suppression, and not other apramatta. The maximum dimension of self-restraint without remissness has been computed with reference to an ascetic who has attained omniscient (i.e., the 13th gunasthāna). A child of 8.25 years age may be an ordinary ascetic or even an omniscient one. It is from this standpoint that the temporal dimensions have been mentioned.
1. Vavahāro, 10.22. 2. Bhaga. 25.533. 3. Bha. Vp. 3.149.-'ekkam samayam' ti katham? ucyate --- pramattasamyamapratipattisamayasama
nantarameva maranāt. 4. Bha. Cūrņi-pamattasya jahanno kālo samao eso ya apamattaddhāņāto cavamāņo pamattasamjato
kālam karejjā tasya labbhati. 5. Bha. Vr. 3.149..kila pratyekamantarmuhürttapramāne eva pramattāpramattagunasthānake, te ca
paryāyena jäyamāne desonapūrvakoțim yāvanutkarseņa bhavatah, samyamavato hi pūrvakoțireva paramāyuh, sa ca samyamamastāsu varsesu gatesveva labhate, mahänti capramattäntarmuhūrttāpekṣayā pramattäntarmuhürttāni kalpyante, evam cantarmuhürttapramāṇānām pramattāddhānām
sarvāsām mīlanena desonā pūrvakotī kālamānam bhavati. 6. Ibid., 3.149—anyetváhuh-aştavarsonām pūrvakotim vāvadutkarsatah pramattasamyatatā syāditi. 7.(a) Ibid., 3.149-cūrnīkāramatam tu pramattasamyamavarjaḥ sarvo'pi sarvavirato'pramatta ucyate,
pramadabhavåt, sa copaśamaśrenim pratipadyamāno muhürttābhyantare kälam kurvan jaghanyakālo labhyata iti (b) Bha. Cū. p. 4-appamatto jahannakālo uvasāmagasedhi padivajjamāņo muhuttebhyamtarato
kalam karemāņo hoti. 8. Bha. Jo, vārtika of 1.64.95-e apramādī upaśama-śreni cadhai tiko jīva grahivo, jo āthamaim
gunathānai upaśama-śreņi cadhato prathama samaya marai to piņa sātamaim gunathanaim apramattapanaim amtarmuhūrtta rahyo te māțai jaghanai amtarmuhūrtta, iham upaśama-śreņi cadhai tiko apramatta grahyo. piņa anya apramatta grahana na kiyo.
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