Bhagavai 3:3:143-148
- 105:
For instance, when some person throws a bundle of dry straw in fire, O Manditaputra! does not that bundle of dry straw thrown into fire immediately burn not? Yes, it does burn out. For instance! when some person throws drops of water on a hot iron plate, O Manditaputra, do not those drops of water immediately dry up? Yes, they do so--they dry up. For instance, there is a lake that is full, full to the brim, overflowing, over swelling and evenly full of water like a pitcher. Now some person floats a giant boat with hundred inlets and hundred pores, O Manditaputra, does the boat, with water constantly flowing in through the inlets and the pores, get full, full to the brim, overflowing, overswelling and evenly full of water like a pitcher? "Yes, it does so.” Now, if some person stops the inlets of the boat, completely from all sides, and having stopped so, empties the boat by means of emptying-vessel, O Manditaputra! does not the boat, on the water being drained out, immediately rise up to the surface? “Yes, it does rise up." Similarly, O Manditaputra! the ascetic of the following description subjects himself to bondage of subtle instantaneous action of different measures pertaining to pure movement free from passions: such ascetic is self-inhibited, self-composed in respect of movement, speech, begging alms, picking up placing robes, pots, etc., depositing excreta, urine, phlegm, mucus of the nose and dense dirt of the body; self-composed in mind, speech and body; self-guarded in respect of mind, speech and body; self-guarded in all respect; self-guarded in respect of sensuality and celibacy; self-aware while walking, standing, sitting and changing sides (while sleeping); self-aware while picking up and placing clothes, pot, blanket and duster up to even while blinking of eyes, such action results in bondage and assimilation of karma at the first time-unit, experiencing the karma at the second time-unit and wearing-off the karma in the third time-unit. Such action (resulting in bondage and assimilation) is bound, assimilated, aroused, experienced, worn-off and turned into non-karma in the next time-unit. From this standpoint, O Manditaputra! it has been said that when the soul, always and constantly, does not undergo simple vibrations, complex vibrations, motion, oscillation, collision, penetration and motivation, that is does not undergo varied transformation, it attains liberation at the end.
Bhāsya 1. Sutra 143-148
In the first Sataka (143), the expression 'anta-kriyā' has been used in the
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