Bhagavai 3:2:116-118
circumambulated me, he offered me homage and obeisance. Having offered homage and obeisance, he addressed me thus: 'O Lord, Camara, the chief and the king of Asuras, depending on your support had grossly denigrated me. Then, infuriated, I hurled my Vajra to kill Camara, the chief and the king of Asuras. At that time there arose the idea in me that was internal, thoughtful, desirable and mental: Camara, the chief and the king of Asuras, is not master, enough capable, and has no jurisdiction that depending on himself can fly upward to Sudharmā heaven. He can not reach upward to the Sudharma heaven without the support of the jina, the jina-shrine or an ascetic who has sanctified himself by meditation. Therefore, it was a matter of great discomfort for me that I should grossly denigrate the great Lord Jina and ascetic. Having thought thus, I applied my power of clairvoyance. By clairvoyance I found out thyself. Finding thus, I thought Oh! Oh! I am undone myself. Thinking thus, I reached near thy vicinity in high...... up to celestial speed and caught hold of the vajra that was four fingers away from thyself. I have come down here, travelled here, reached here, to catch hold of the vajra, and staying here today in thy vicinity. I therefore beg pardon of you, O beloved of gods! please excuse me. O beloved of gods! thou art competent enough to forgive me. O beloved of gods! I pledge solemnly not to repeat such act at anytime in the future'. Having said so, he offered homage and obeisance. Having offered homage and obeisance, he departed to the north-eastern direction. There, he digs the earth three times by his left feet. Having done so, he addressed the chief and the king of Asuras thus: 'O Camara, the chief and the king of Asuras, you are now freed by the power of the Ascetic Lord Mahävira. You have now no fear from me'. Having said so, he departed to the direction from which he had come.
Sakka-camara-vajjāņa gaivisaya-padam
3.117 bhamteti! bhagavam goyame samaṇam bhagavam mahāvīram vamdai, namamsai, vamdittä namamsittä evam vayasi-deve nam bhamte! mahiddhie jāva mahāṇubhāge puvvämeva poggalam khivittä pabhā tamevam anupariyaṇṭittā nam genhittae?
hamtā pabha.
The Topic of Relative Speed of Sakra, Camara and Vajra
Addressing him as 'O Lord', Lord Gautama offered homage and obeisance to the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra. Having offered homage and obeisance, he addressed him thus: O Lord! is the god possessed of great fortune...... up to great power capable of running after and catching the material body that he had ejected earlier?
Yes, he is.
3.118 se kenarthenam bhamte! evam vuccai-deve nam mahiddhie java mahāņubhāge
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