off and destroy one's own karmas by one's consciousness solely to that purpose).
The second division of the practice of austerities is designated internal, (antaranga) and this consists of (1) Prayashchitta : repentence. observing "samayika", "pratikramana", or "alochana" (equality or equanimity consciousness counting of and confessing sins in various daily activities by thought, word and action); chheda (demotion from seniority in the hierarchy of sainis); parihara, (expulsion for a temporary period from living in a particular group of saints) and upasthana (to accept once again in the group after a small ceremony of consecration for the purpose) ; (2) Vinaya : feeling of deep reverence, complete emotional involvement in the triangular path of triple jewels and final emancipation ; (3) Vaiyavratya ; service without selfish motives of the heads and other higher ups in the hierarchy, new initiates, and sick or ill-disposed colleagues: (4) Swadhyaya: concentrated study of holy books by (a) contemplation ('chintana'); (b) questioning (“pruchchhana') (c) discussion and debate ('anupreksha'); (d) memorisation and recitation of the texts (amnaya); and giving discourses ("dharmopadesha') (5) Vyutsarga : renunciation, physically, mentally and emotionally of all sense of possession and attachment and (6) Dhyana: meditation which is of two varieties viz Dharma dhyana (religious meditation leading to the cognition of things hidden to common mortals especially of religious truths) and Shukla dhyana (higher. purer, and brighter meditation leading to final liberation). This meditation has four stages: in the first stage, only single objects are meditated upon and in the second stage, only one object viz the final emancipation is meditated upon. Both of these are not easy for common householders, as they always are subject to the vices of anger, pride deceit or illusion and greed. They are not even permitted to meditate for more than 48 minutes at a time. The third stage of Shukla dhyana is reached when, in the meditation upon the single object of final emancipation, the activities of the body and mind